No Game No Life

This post is not about "Sora and Shiro"
"There's more than one way to win a game. You can win without fighting" - Sora
who watched this anime? Hehehe

So in this past 6 months, so many kind happened.
The night is just a star of my morning~ (so this is the basic of the life that I live)
After graduation, my life completely quite. Tidak tinggal di kos lagi, tidak bertemu dengan teman-teman lagi. Siklus seleksi alam sarjana baru di malang pun terus bergulir. (curhat)

So, basically life is just like a game. Feels like you do gambling. Kamu terjun bermain, kamu berusaha untuk menang, bertaruh, dan hasilnya no body know.
Selama kurang lebih 3 bulan ini yang saya lakukan adalah bermain. Bermain untuk mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan. Berimajinasi, if i can achieve it or not.
Someone asked me, "You believe you can win?" And I was answered "Well, i am aiming miracle can happen, so possibly."
"Imaginations meaning nothing without doing, if you can dream it, you can do it !" (and this happened to me)

Jadi temanya kali ini adalah seorang yang addicted pada game. And how I look at that. (my perspective)

In my point of view, gamer is not that bad. But gamer has something (special). Dan yang bukan gamer bukan berarti mereka tidak special.

Why a lot of people like game?

Actually i'm not a gamer, but most of my friends do games.
I love game and I enjoy it.

So for you who really love game, i think it doesn't matter.
I think it can be tolerated, terkecuali bagi mereka yang meninggalkan ibadah dan tugas utamanya demi game, hmmm.. I think they really not cool (tiba-tiba auranya memudar gituu aja).
I love the way someone do games dan ketika adzan mereka akan meninggalkan game nya lalu segera pergi ke masjid.
I think its the coolest one, maybe not only me who thinking this way, but most of girls loved it.

Banyak yang bisa mendaki gunung setinggi apapun,
banyak yang bermain game sampai level tertinggi di waktu kapanpun, tapi hanya sedikit yang pergi ke masjid saat adzan berkumandang.
Kalau ibadah dan Tuhan nya selalu diingat dan diutamakan, maka I'm sure, 90% itu calon pendamping yang tepat. Yang 10% nya itu eksipiennya. True or False ?

There are only two ways to live your life. One is though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

"No game No life. But still life without games"

Thanks for reading.
kenapa di postingan ini topik dan bahasanya random? Because, the writer is still studying how to make a good and nice script / letter / tulisan

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